Penguin Patriot Force

If They Want War,
We'll Give em' War

Saturday, November 14, 2009

we are official !

ok so i copyed and pasted this off the acp sit check it out

Current Ally List [39 Armies]:

IW (Ice Warriors)
GW (Golden Warriors)
WW (Watex Warriors)
FW (Fire Warriors)
UMA (Underground Mafias Army)
HSA (Hot Sauce Army)
BP (Black Panthers)
TWA (The Warriors Army)
CPST (Club Penguin Sun Troopers)
MFW (Mysterious Freedom Warriors)
BB (Black Bandits)
CPC (Club Penguin Clones)
PH (Purple Heads)
CAF (Canadian Army Force)
CPL (Club Penguin Lightning)
CPU (Club Penguin Union)
CPAU (Club Penguin Army Unit)
CPWA (Club Penguin World Army)
Ninja Corps
MCCP (Marine Corp of Club Penguin)
CPKA (Club Penguin Kingdom Army)
Elite Shadows
SFCP (Star Fighters of Club Penguin)
GACP (Golden Army of Club Penguin)
CPWS (Club Penguin Warrior Squad)
SCP (Spartans of Club Penguin)
BFA (Bacon Flavored Spartans)
CPHA (Club Penguin Hero Agency)
CPR (Club Penguin Rangers)
CPSW (Club Penguin Snow Warriors)
PDN (Penguin Daily News)
CPSG (Club Penguin Street Gang)
CPFT (Club Penguin Fire Troopers)
SCPA (Soldier Club Penguin Army)
Shadow Ops
PPF (Penguin Patriot Force) see! right there! were are official!
PCP (Parkas of Club Penguin)
The Pens
BB (Blue Blazers)
NCPA (National Club Penguin Army)
The K
CCP (Chavs of Club Penguin)
CPPA (Club Penguin Patriot Army)
HW (Hydro Warriors)
SACP (Secret Army of Club Penguin)
BCP (Killer Blues of Club Penguin
PS6 (Penguin Storm 6)
NUMA (The National Underwater and Marine Agency)
AACP (American Army of Club Penguin)
CP Regiment
PCP (Patrol of Club Penguin)
AMA (Aqua Marines Army)
CPTF (Club Penguin Task Force)
CPNE (Club Penguin Ninjas Empire)
FT (Fire Troopers)
CA (Clan Alpha)

so as u can see we joined forces with the acp!woohoo!im so happy
i think ill promote some of my recruits :-]
so l8er ppl

PPF leader

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